Jesus the Rabbi?

Many people assume Jesus never had any type of education except that which was common for most Jewish men in Nazareth in his day. However, some scholars disagree. A couple of hints in Scripture may point to the idea that Jesus received theological training. First, Jesus was often referred to as Rabbi (Matthew 26:25, 26:49; [...]

Leave God out of your Political Protest

I got it wrong: The other day, I posted three videos of a church in Moscow, Idaho, showing three of their members getting arrested for not social distancing and wearing masks during an outdoor Psalm sing. Unfortunately, there is more to the story that has changed my view of the event. Don't get me wrong, [...]

18 Year Olds are not Responsible?

In this article, CNN is criticizing school administrators for treating 18+-year-olds like a responsible adult, saying it is an undue "burden." Then the school blames their decision on "competing interests" as they tried to accommodate every one of them. If school administrators cannot stand firm for safety, then how can we expect politicians or anyone [...]

Mohler: Love Compels Churches to Close During COVID-19

During Mohler's first briefing of the new season, Dr. Mohler addressed two issues, both surrounding issues surrounding churches closing during COVID-19. In the first case, Dr. Mohler noted the recent Supreme Court cases that pitted Nevada's Governor against a Calvary Chapel Church. Calvary Chapel sued the Governor for limiting all churches to no more than [...]